Our New Print Shop

I'm so excited to start the journey into Fine Art Prints. This has a been a long time coming and here's a little taste of what's to come!

The Wisteria Paris Collection


Here's a little life update, it's been a bumpy ride this year.

Hello my friends.

Thanks for finding yourself here.

Julie Paisley Photography has changed a lot since 2019. I started this little business in 2008 and life took me on quite the journey. From celebrity clients to weddings all over the world. Magazine features and named "best of" to speaking on stages and coaching thousands of photographers. I HAD AN AMAZING run but 2020 changed everything for me. 

For the past 4 years, God has lead me on a journey of healing physically and mentally. I've been through cancer twice. I struggled through burnout, anxiety and depression. I fell down a lot but I also got up a lot too. I've pivoted, over and over again. I retired from wedding photography and lost who I was, but realized I was so much more than just a wedding photographer.

I've stopped chasing the spotlight, the money. I no longer hustle and I've learned to be still. I've also learned that living with ENOUGH is ok. Because now I have peace and that outweighs the money in the bank account and my goal is to help others realize this as well.

I wrote a book to heal and it was published. YEP. I'm an author. A title I gave myself as a 9 year old.

2024 was supposed to be my comeback year. My word was Flourish and I booked up my year with clients, retreats and travel before the last one was over.

Then, on Feb. 14rh they found a brain tumor and my life will never quite be the same.

And so, it's time to pivot again. After I finish my obligations for this year, I will no longer be traveling every week/month for sessions. That part of my life has to slow down so that I can live fully with this brain tumor in tow and it's time to get creative for work without the physical toll on my body. 

I'm being treated at Mayo Clinic for my brain tumor and I'm in awe with how God has blessed me. My doctors are the best in the world and the care I have received has been beyond my expectations. Living with a brain tumor is like a ticking time bomb. Things can change in hours. I could be walking on the beach one day and in surgery the next. I have extreme fatigue, headaches and seizures. I struggle with dizziness and nausea and sometimes just getting out of bed is hard. I've lost my independence to travel alone and I can't drive.

Talk about a change. I used to jet off to Paris by myself for a month and work 10 hr days...

Last week I was pleading with the Lord on what to do. I still need to work. Retiring from weddings took a huge toll financially on my business but God made it very clear it was time to step away and trust Him.

It was time to live by faith. It was time to stop making things happen and let God make them happen.

And He has shown me my next steps and it's born from a personal photography project that I've worked on for the past 12 years.

You see, I have thousands of images of my travels that need to be on walls, on products and in books. It's time to let go of that fear of failure and use my talents to bless others. It's time for Julie Paisley & All The Pretty Places to shine. It's time to embrace my Art and I'm ready for it.

I have no clue what I am doing. This is a totally new territory for me but God has made it very clear that this is direction He wants for me while I'm healing. I can do this from home, the hospital, and it won't take a physical toll on my body.

For right now, this is how it will work. 

Each Wednesday I will release a new limited edition collection for one week only. This collection will be a set of prints, a set of notecards and a Fine Art Journal for you to purchase from my store.  By doing this I can stay creative and provide for my family while navigating this new health hurdle.

This weeks collection is called Wisteria in Paris.  If you have followed me for awhile you know my love for flowers. It's my favorite thing on earth to photograph and 2 years ago I timed a trip to Paris to see the Wisteria. It only blooms for a week and I'm so grateful for these beautiful images. That make my soul so happy and I hope they do the same for you!

Thank you for your support!

In case you didn't know...

Follow my Journey here

All the Pretty Places
Fine Art Notecard and Journal Collection
All captured on film
by Julie Paisley

Limited Edition FINE ART Notebooks
Matte Finish, 150 pages, Size 5x8

Set of (5) notecards and envelopes. 
Size 4.5x5.5
"Paris Wisteria"

Wisteria 3
Starting at $35

Au Vieux Cafe
Starting at $35

Wisteria Arch
Starting at $35

Limited Edition FINE ART Giclee Prints
Sizes 5x7, 8x10, 11x14 & 16x20

Who's ready to travel?


April 8th -13th

May 13th - 18th

May 27th - June 1st

June 19th - 26th

Sept. 30th - Oct. 5th

Oct. 14th - 19th

(Retreats are 5 days & 6 nights)

Retreats Include:
LOdging, Breakfast, transportation during retreat, Activities, tours, surprises, gifts, Location based Storytelling editorial, headshots, rest, free-time and 1.1 time with Julie to talk business.

(Limited to 6 attendees per retreat)





And don't just take my word for it...

"I attended the Cotswolds retreat in June and I cannot say enough good things about the experience! When our original lodging plans fell through close to the trip dates, Julie pivoted (as is her superpower) and found us the most charming cottage instead. The accommodations were beautiful and spacious, with modern amenities while still keeping that Old World charm. Julie and Amy planned impeccable editorial shoots that tied perfectly with our surroundings. The food was fantastic, and the days spent sightseeing in Bath and various Cotswolds villages were a balm for a tired soul. 

If you're just looking for a quick styled shoot to build a destination wedding portfolio, this isn't for you. Our editorial shoot progressed at a leisurely pace, taking our time to try new techniques and connect with the creative team and each other, and were by no means the focal point of the trip. But if you're on the edge of burnout, seeking creative fulfillment balanced with intentional rest, ready to draw inspiration from around the world with like-minded women, you will feel right at home on this retreat." 

My super power is bringing people together to connect and reset. Let me introduce you to my favorite pretty places in Europe while you rediscover your passion for your business again. We all need inspiration and this is exactly what I have created these retreats for.
This is something you do for yourself so that you can be a better wife, partner, mother, and business owner.

Travel changed my life and my business and now I want you to experience this as well.

This is NOT your typical photography retreat. In fact, you don't even need to be a professional photographer to attend. These retreats focus on creativity, rest, travel, culture, new friends, clarity and inspiration.

Retreats are $5500 but save $1000 through June and pay $4500. Low down payment and payment plans are also available. Pay in Full and get your own room without paying extra!

Email me julie@juliepaisley.com to set up a free call so we can chat and find out if you are good fit!

Introducing: Everyday Film School

I believe EVERY photographer should learn film. Even if you don't shoot it professionally because it makes you a better digital one. And guess what, contrary to what you might have heard, it doesn't even have to be expensive. In fact, I don't even encourage you to go out and buy a Contax! NOPE, It's not just the camera friends. shooting film involves knowing your film stocks, understanding how to meter and use light and my editing secrets & camera/lens combo to make your 35mm look as dreamy as the Contax 645 without spending a fortune.

FILM does not need to be intimidating, and after 13 years of perfecting it, I'm the perfect person to teach you. Learn to shoot for a hobby, personal work or incorporate it into your photography business. My courses are for those of you who are struggling to get the look you want and for those of you who have never even tried it. I start from the beginning and teach you how to to choose a camera, what film stocks to use and how to rate it for a certain look all while understanding metering and light. And for an extra bonus, I'm going to show you how you can still shoot film on a budget and my special editing trick that I only share with my students!

I will be offering Film School classes throughout the year but here's your chance to jump in first semester and save some money as well!

My courses are meant to be buildable and for this weekend only, purchase them for the lowest price ever!

Are you interested in learning film?

Join Our Thriving Email Community!

And get first dibs on retreats, courses, products, mastermind seats, sales, and more (with a dose of business tips + encouragement). Excited to share virtual iced coffees and my love of travel with you, my friend. 

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